Are you selling the product you offer or the solution to your customer's problems? Be it selling a burrito, a reusable container or brand identity design as a service, each of these is a solution to a problem. One that satisfies a Mexican food craving. Empowers us to live a sustainable lifestyle without the need to use single-use packaging. Or a solution that allows businesses to be more widely recognised as a relatable and memorable brand. These solutions are the precursor AND result of why we do what we do. So the way we market and sell our product or services will be better received if we focus on the solution we hope to deliver and the outcomes existing customers have experienced. Alright, dogmatic theory aside, how the bloody hell can we achieve this? 😄 I believe it can be done using the content we put out there to our audiences. As an example of communicating branding as a solution to a business problem, Delphie from See Creative and I are looking to further our own content creation for potential clients in the form of a podcast together. Our @brandingbanter podcast (launching end of Sept). It'll focus on the impact branding can have on Aussie small businesses, featuring business owners as our guests that have seen the impact branding has made for their business. The point is, if we’re creating content that shows results and the impact our product or service has on our end consumer, it may be what gets a new customer over the line to experience our brand offering and become a follower/advocate of our brand. One final example came from an event I attended a couple of weeks ago in Sydney, called @unrushedexperiences - it was a fantastic dining and entertainment experience. But what caught my attention as I was leaving the event, was a simple request asked of a few guests to provide a 2-minute video testimonial of their experience. Utilising content that goes beyond showing how good the event looked, but how it made each guest feel, will deliver much greater impact when they promote their next event. So the question is, what impact does your product/service make that you can use as content to help market your brand? 💁🏻♂️