You’ve identified the audience that you can best serve. But you also want to make the most impact by appealing to the majority of that audience. To be able to focus on the viable majority, we’ve gotta first target those known as the early adopters. This approach is based on the Law of Diffusion of Innovation…yawn 🙄 but it illustrates the rate in which an idea is generally accepted (especially in business) where at any given time, we’re all placed in one of the following groups: • Innovators 2.5% • Early Adopters 13.5% • Early Majority 34% • Late Majority 34% • Laggards 16%…these are the people yet to discover Instagram 🙃

To lead with an example, let’s say I’ve just opened a Café. As the owner (the Innovator) I obviously need to offer the identified needs that any of my desired customers would expect of my Café. My first customers in the door, they are my Early Adopters. These are the guys and girls who are quick to understand what my store is about because they’re the people @simonsinek refer to as those who “just get it”. But to circle back, how do I crack into the majority? Do I need to change something in my business? Nah, not just yet. The Majority still have the same needs, the only difference is that they won’t try before someone else has first. Which is why we need to nurture an Early Adopter. They are the people who want to be 1st and tell all their friends. It takes an Early Adopter to have a memorable experience, to want to rave about my Café to others. Which means I need to go above and beyond for these customers to keep them coming back, time and time again AND with their friends, family or colleagues (aka. the Early Majority). If I were to see repeat customers bring others along with them, I’ll know I’ve reached the 15-18% tipping point of mass acceptance for my business that this Law outlines. It’s at this point, I can now pivot my focus to the viable majority audience(s). So first, get people in the door with a memorable experience. Nurture the initial engagements and add value beyond the alternatives. Then direct your attention to the majority.